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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - spotn.


Связанные словари


1) mark, patch, speck, blot, blotch, blemish, speckle, fleck, particle, mote, macula, smudge, stain, stigma, discoloration, Brit splodge or US also splotch: There's a spot of ink on your shirt. 2) site, place, locale, location, locality, scene, setting, section, area, neighbourhood, quarter: The Coopers picked out a lovely spot to build their new house. 3) morsel, bit, bite, Colloq smidgen or smidgin: Let's stop in here for a spot of tea. 4) predicament, situation, quandary, mess: John said he was in a bit of a spot, and needed to borrow њ20 until the end of the week. 5) spots. eruptions, pimples, acne, pustules, blackheads, comedos or comedones, whiteheads; boils, blains, wens; pock-marks; Old-fashioned US and Canadian hickeys: Teenagers often get spots. --v. 6) see, catch sight of, glimpse, discern, identify, pick out, distinguish, single out, detect, sight, recognize, make out, descry: I think I spotted Molly in the crowd. 7) mark, stain, fleck, speckle, spray, splash, spatter, bespatter, sully, soil, dirty, taint, besmirch, smudge: The car's shiny new paintwork was spotted with mud.
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